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Acronyms of national and international, environmental and DG transport-related institutions, agencies, acts and registries

This list contains acronyms of:

  • governmental bodies competent in the field of Safety and Health matters
  • official bodies responsible for environmental affairs
  • regulatory agencies competent for environmental matters
  • regulatory agencies competent in the field of transportation of dangerous goods
  • laws and regulations pertaining to environmental matters
  • inventories and registries of chemical substances

All these acronyms were found on ANSI, OHSA, and European format MSD Sheets. This list will be updated as we encounter new relevant acronyms in our daily translation practice.

AAALACAssociation for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (branches in Maryland, USA, and Belgium, Europe)
ACCAmerican Chemistry Council (formerly known as the Chemical Manufacturer's Association)
ACGIHAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (US)
ACSAmerican Chemical Society (US)
ACTAmerican College of Toxicology (US)
ADNEuropean Provisions concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Waterways (adopted in 2000)
ADREuropean Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
AICSAustralian Inventory of Chemical Substances (Australia)
AIFCAgreement on International Freight Communication (Europe)
AIHAAmerican Industrial Hygiene Association (US)
AIPCAgreement on International Passenger Communication (Europe)
AISEInternational Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (joint project of AISE and CEFIC)
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute (US)
ARAPAlliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy (industry alliance)
ASOSHAssociation of Societies for Occupational Safety and Health (South Africa)
ASSEAmerican Society of Safety Engineers (US)
ASTMAmerican Society of Testing and Materials (US)
ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (US, body of HHS)
ATSDRAgency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (US)
AWAAnimal Welfare Act (US)
AllChemEAlliance for Chemical Sciences and Technologies in Europe
BSPRBureau of Spill Prevention and Response (US)
BimSchGBundes-Immissionsschutzgesetz (German law on protection from emissions)
CAAClean Air Act (US)
CAAAsClean Air Act Amendments (US)
CANUTECCanadian Transport Emergency Centre
CASChemical Abstracts Service
CBNIUPAC-IUB Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (International)
CCOHSCanadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
CCPRCodex Committee on Pesticide Residues (EU)
CCRISChemical Carcinogenesis Research Information System (US, see NCI)
CEFICEuropean Chemical Industry Council (established 1972)
CEPACanadian Environmental Protection Act (Canada, 1999)
CERCLAComprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (US, 1980, known as 'Superfund')
CFRCode of Federal Regulations (US)
CHEMTRECChemical Transportation Emergency Centre (Public service of the CMA; Provides immediate advice in case of hazardous materials transportation emergencies.)
CHIPChemical Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply Regulations (UK)
CIBCentral Insecticide Board (India)
CIDXChemical Industry Data eXchange (US)
CIITChemical Industry Institute of Toxicology (US, private non-profit organization, created 1974)
CMAChemical Manufacturers Association (US)
CMAQCongestion Mitigation and Air Quality Program
CPRControlled Products Regulations (Canada, part of WHMIS)
CPSCConsumer Product Safety Commission (US)
CSTEEScientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and the Environment of the Commission (EU)
CTCCanadian Transport Commission
CWAClean Water Act (US)
CWSRFClean Water State Revolving Fund (US, EPA program)
DART®/ETICDevelopmental and Reproductive Toxicology/Environmental Teratology Information Center (database of bibliographic references)
DEADrug Enforcement Administration (US)
DHHSUS Department of Health and Human Services
DMTDirection des Mouvements Transfrontières (Canada, body of Environnement Canada, see TMB)
DODUnited States Department of Defense
DOTDepartment of Transportation (US)
DSLDomestic Substances List (Canada)
EC-JRCEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre
ECAEuropean Chemicals Agency (EU)
ECBEuropean Chemicals Bureau
ECLExisting Chemicals List (Korea)
ECOSOCEconomic and Social Council (UN)
ECPAEuropean Crop Protectors Association
ECVAMEuropean Centre for Validation of Alternative Methods
EDGAREmission Database for Global Atmospheric Research (EU, initiative of IES Climate Change Unit)
EEAEuropean Environment Agency
EFBEuropean Federation of Biotechnology
EFCEnvironmental Facilities Corporation (US, New York State)
EFCEEuropean Federation of Chemical Engineering
EFCTCEuropean Fluorocarbons Technical Committee
EFMAEuropean Fertilizer Manufacturers Association
EHPEnvironmental Health Perspectives (journal of NIEHS)
EIHWExport and Import of Hazardous Wastes Regulations (Canada, see REIDD)
EINECS #European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EU, outdated, now replaced by EC Number)
ELINCS #European List of Notified Chemical Substances (EU, outdated, now replaced by EC Number)
ENCEuropean Network for Chemistry
ENCSExisting and New Chemical Substances List (Japan)
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency (US)
EPCRAEmergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (US)
EPEREuropean Pollutant Emission Register
EPFEuropean Polymer Federation
EQBAEnvironmental Quality Bond Act
ERGEmergency Response Guidebook (Canada)
ERGOEmergency Response Guidebook Online (Canada)
ERPEnvironmental Restoration Program (US, 'Brownfields' program)
ESCAPEconomic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESISEuropean chemical Substances Information System (EU)
ESRExisting Substances Regulation (EU, 793/93/EEC)
ETAPEvironmental Technologies Action Plan (EU)
EWCEuropean Waste Catalogue
EuCheMSEuropean Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences
EuropaBioEuropean Association for Bioindustries
FAOFood and Agriculture Organization (United Nations)
FDAFood and Drug Administration (US)
FDAFood and Drug Administration (US)
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency (US)
FIFRAFederal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (US)
FOIAFreedom of Information Act (US)
FRFederal Register (US)
GGBefG Gefahrgutbeförderungsgesetz (German law on transport of dangerous goods)
GGVBinSchGefahrgut-Verordnung Binnenschifffahrt (German implementation of ADN)
GGVEGefahrgut-Verordnung Eisenbahn (German implementation of RID, 2001)
GGVSGerfahrgutverordnung Straße (German implementation of ADR)
GGVSEGefahrgut-Verordnung Straße und Eisenbahn (Germany, Hazardous freight ordinance for road and rail)
GGVSeeGefährgut-Verordnung Seeschiffen (Germany, Hazardous freight ordinance for maritime transport)
GMDSSGlobal Maritime Distress and Safety System (see IMO)
GefStoffVGefahrstoffverordnung (Germany, Hazardous goods ordinance)
HAZCOMHazard Communication Standard (US, 29 CFR 1910.1200)
HCCHazard Characteristic Codes (US, see HMIRS)
HERAHuman and Environmental Risk Assessment (on ingredients of household cleaning products)
HHSUnited States Department of Health & Human Services
HMIRAHazardous Materials Information Review Act (Canada)
HMIRCHazardous Materials Information Review Commission (Canada)
HMIRSHazardous Materials Information Resource System (US, DoD)
HMISHazardous Materials Information System (US)
HMRHazardous Material Regulations (US DOT)
HMTHazardous Material Table (US DOT)
HMTAHazardous Materials Transportation Act (US)
HPAHazardous Products Act (Canada)
HSDB®Hazardous Substances Data Bank (US, database maintained by NLM)
HSEHealth & Safety Executive (UK)
HSISHazardous Substances Information System (Australia)
HTRW-CXHazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste (US Army Corps of Engineers)
IACUCInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committees (US)
IAMASInternational Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
IARCInternational Agency for Research on Cancer
IATAInternational Air Transport Association
ICAOInternational Civil Aviation Organization
ICNAAInternational Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols
ICOInternational Carbohydrate Organization
IDLIngredient Disclosure List (Canada)
IEInstitute for Energy (EU, institute of JRC)
IESInstitutes for Environment and Sustainability (EU, institute of JRC)
IHCPInstitute for Health and Consumer Protection (EU, institute of JRC)
ILOInternational Labour Office
IMDG CodeInternational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMDG CodeInternational Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
IMOInternational Maritime Organization
INF CodeInternational Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (see IMO)
IOSHInstitute for Occupational Safety and Health (International)
IPCSInternational Programme on Chemical Safety
IPPCIntegrated Pollution Prevention and Control (EU IPPC-Directive)
IPPCInternational Plant Protection Convention
IPSCInstitute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (EU, institute of JRC)
IPTSInstitute for Prospective techonoligical Studies (EU, institute of JRC)
IRISIntegrated Risk Information System (see EPA)
IRMMInstitute for Reference Materials and Measurements (EU, institute of JRC)
ISFMsInternational standards for phytosanitary measures
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISRTPInternational Society of Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology (US)
ISTEAIntermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (US)
ITERInternational Toxicity Estimates for Risk (database maintained by NLM)
ITOInstitute for Transuranium Elements (EU, institute of JRC)
IUBMBInternational Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
IUCLIDInternational Uniform Chemical Information Database
IUGGInternational Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
IUPACInternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
IUPAC CompendiumIUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology (the IUPAC 'Gold Book')
IUPAC NomenclatureIUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (the IUPAC 'Blue Book')
JCBNIUPAC-IUBMB Joint Commission on Biochemical Nomenclature (International)
JICOSHJapan International Center for Occupational Safety and Health
JISHAJapan Industrial Safety and Health Association
JRCJoint Research Centre (EU, body of the European Commission, comprising 7 institutes)
Luft VGLuftverkehrsgesetz (German air traffic law)
Luft VZOLuftverkehrszulassungsordnung (German air traffic licensing regulations)
MESAMining Enforcement and Safety Administration (US, replaced by MSHA, 1978)
MESAMining Enforcement and Safety Administration
MITIMinistry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)
MSCMaritime Safety Committee (body of IMO)
MSHAMine Safety and Health Administration (US, formerly MESA)
NAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standards
NAEMTNational Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (US, founded 1975)
NCDNew Chemicals Database (EU)
NCEPNational Centers for Environmental Prediction (US)
NCINational Cancer Institute (US)
NCPNew Chemicals Policy (EU, see REACH)
NDSLNon-Domestic Substances List (Canada)
NFPANational Fire Protection Association (US)
NICNASNational Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (Australia)
NIEHSNational Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (US, body of NIH)
NIHNational Institutes of Health (US)
NIHSNational Institute of Health Sciences (Japan)
NIOSHNational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (US)
NIWLNational Institute for Working Life (Sweden)
NLMNational Library of Medicine (US)
NOESNational Occupational Exposure Survey (US, see NIOSH, 1981-1983)
NOHSCNational Occupational Health and Safety Commission (Australia)
NPDESNational Pollution Discharge Elimination System (US)
NPPONational Plant Protection Organization
NREMTNational Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (US)
NTISNational Technical Information Service (US)
NTPNational Toxicology Program (US, NIEHS program)
NWSNational Weather Service (US)
OCTICentral Office for International Railway Transport
OECDOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OECDOrganization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OPAOil Pollution Act (US, 1990)
OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Administration
OSShDOrganization for The Collaboration of Railways (intergovernmental body)
OSWEROffice of Solid Waste and Emergency Response (US, body of EPA)
PICCSPhilippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical Substances
PPAPollution Prevention Act (US, 1990)
PRTREuropean Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
PubChemDatabase maintained by NIH (US)
RCRAResource Conservation and Recovery Act (US)
REACHRegistration, Evaluation and Authorization of CHemicals (EU, see NCP)
REIDDRèglement sur l'exportation et l'importation des déchets dangereux (Canada, see EIHW)
RIDRegulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail (EU)
RMANRecovered Materials Advisory Notice (US, see EPA)
RMURCRules of Mutual Use of Railway Cars
RSCThe Royal Society of Chemistry (Europe)
RSTRMRegulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material (ECOSOC)
RTCRoundtable of Toxicology Consultants (US, professional association)
RTDGRecommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (ECOSOC, 'Orange Book')
RTECSRegistry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (US)
SARASuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (US, 1986)
SCCNFPScientific Committee on Cosmetic Products and Non-Food Products intended for consumers (EU)
SDWASafe Drinking Water Act (US)
SEQRAState Environmental Quality Review Act
SOLASInternational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1960)
SOTSociety of Toxicology (US)
SPRPSpill Prevention and Response Plan (US)
TDG DirectorateTransport Dangerous Goods Directorate (Canada)
TDGRTransportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Quebec)
TEHIPToxicology and Environmental Health Information Program (US, NLM)
TGATherapeutic Goods Administration (Australia)
TMBTransboundary Movement Branch (Canada, body of Environment Canada, see DMT)
TRIToxic Chemical Release Inventory (US, see EPA)
TSCAToxic Substances Control Act (US)
TSMPToxic Substances Management Policy (Canada)
UCPSUS Consumer Product Safety Commission
UNCEDUnited Nations Conference on Environment and Development (1992)
UNECEUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UN)
UNICEUnion des Industries de la Communauté européenne (established 1958)
USEPAUnited States Environmental Protection Agency (US, see EPA)
WHMISWorkplace Hazardous Materials Information System (US)

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